The Swedish "Electro Beast of the East", otherwise known as Owl Vision has sent us some great tracks to share with everyone. Fresh off the presses is the new release, "Darkness EP". "Darkness" is the first single off his upcoming album, and the title doesn't mislead a bit as he keeps it dark, deep and gritty, not overwhelming us with bass like other musician tend to do.
Owl Vision - Darkness
As much as I like the title track, the Vektorkat remix is my favorite of the bunch. Vektorkat keeps the grittiness of the original and then is all like "hey what's this over here? oh, just some more grit". Despite the gritty overdose, the track is very danceable, most likely taking lessons from an act like MSTRKRFT on how to keep it raw, yet dance. Although this track is my favorite off the EP, lets not forget that all great works of art start with a great canvas.
Owl Vision - Darkness (Vektorkat Remix)
If you like what you hear, you'll love even more that the EP is available for FREE, thanks to Owl Vision's heart of gold. Aside from the title track and Vektorkat's ace remix, there's more from Owl Vision himself and Distrakt. He wants to be heard, so lend him your ears. Grab the entire Darkness EP HERE.
Owl Vision has just finished up his upcoming album, due to be released any day now. So stop by his Myspace for all the details and drop a line. Peace!