...Annnd we're back. Sorry about that hiatus, no I didn't get amnesia and wander around aimlessly until someone found me, but I'm back into blogging form, and that's what really matters.
I was going to post the same day when the sad news came that
Michael Jackson died, and I guess I must have been so upset I didn't get around to it, setting up my hiatus, yeah.. lets go with that.
Life is weird and ironic at times, I was planning on blogging about the group
Discovery, then MJ dies out of nowhere, so I figured I'd do a tribute post for MJ. The irony is that
Discovery happen to cover
Michael Jackson with "I Want You Back" on their latest album. So naturally this lets me incorporate BOFF!
I really could not ignore the signs in front of me, so let me drop some
Discovery on you guys.
First up, the aforementioned cover. I'm not usually a fan of covers for the fact that most artists feel the need to try and show up the original.
Discovery does not do this, instead they make it an homage, making it their own rather than trying to out do the original. I like this cover, but it is not one of my favorites, I'm putting it up for obvious reason.
Discovery - I Want You Back (Michael Jackson Cover)Continuing on, here is one of my favs "Can You Discover?". Like most of their tracks, it's laid back, electronic, has a Hot Chip feel, and is damn original.
Discovery - Can You Discover?Oh yes, who is
Discovery? Discover is a new project from both Vampire Weekend's Rostam "Batman" glij and Ra Ra Riot's lead singer Wes Miles, creating something completely different from both members groups. Let me repeat, I can't stand Vampire Weekend, but I really dig this, so hats off to Mr. Glij. I've always been a fan of Ra Ra Riot, so nothing needs to be said here. I will say that I'm digging this more than I've dug anything put out by either band in the past, this one is a winner.
Putting the R&B feel into the mix is the track "So Insane" which is all over the place. The pace is pretty slow, but it gets slower, almost to the point of a droned out coming down.
Discovery - So InsaneOne of my other favs is "Osaka Loop Line" which builds into a glitch anthem. Aside from Hot Chip vibes, I get a feeling of Postal Service up in this.
Discovery - Osaka Loop LineOk one more, I don't want to put the whole damn album up, but it's so hard not to include as many of these tracks as I can. If you're not completely annoyed with auto tune by now, you'll like love or hate (auto tune, like it?) Carby (Featuring Ezra Koenig). For obvious auto tune reasons, the whole Auto Tune The News vibe jumps straight into my head. Don't let that scare you away, this just applies the beginning and it's probably just me.. really. Plus some of those songs are a little bit catchy.
Discovery - Carby (Feat. Ezra Koenig)And while we're unloading stuff, let's turn this into a megapost and include
DIGIRAATII's fresh MJ remix of "Blood On The Dance Floor". They lead by example, letting us know that celebrating Michael's insane collection of jams might just be the best way to honor his life and legacy.
Michael Jackson - Blood On The Dance Floor (DIGIRAATII OUT2KILL REM!XX)That's it for now, but know I didn't abandon everyone. I'm back for good (cue that completely sappy 90's song.. you know the one).
Make sure to check in and drop all these dudes a line on their respective Myspaces. I'd say the same for MJ, but you know.. :(
Michael JacksonDiscoveryDIGIRAATII